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FAQ Search Results
ACCOUNT 206 results
- Do I need cash to open an account?
- At which financial institution can I register a debit account for the Monthly Auto-Deposit Service?
- Do I have to present my Individual Number (My Number) when opening a bank account?
- Can I designate my Seven Bank account as the receiving account for public pensions such as employee's pension and national pension?
- Are funds sent through international money transfers deposited into overseas receiver's accounts?
- When opening an account or applying for a card loan, what should I do if there is no selection item that corresponds to "occupation" and "transaction purpose (main purpose of ac...
- I opened a new account and received my cash card. How do I use the Direct Banking Service with a smartphone?
- Where do I check for the latest "Seven Bank Account Terms and Conditions" and the "Service Outline?"
- Can I transfer the money borrowed in the Loan Service directly to the account of another financial institution?
- Can I apply for a loan service at the same time as opening a Seven Bank account?