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FAQ Search Results
ATM 153 results
How much are the fees for domestic money transfers to Seven Bank accounts?
How do I register or change my email address?
When I made an application for the Loan Service, an error message stating that there is no registered email address appeared. What should I do?
I uninstalled the Seven Bank International Money Transfer App without completing the takeover settings for the app. What should I do?
I submitted my residence card via the Residence Card Submission Site. How long does it take until the registration is completed?
Is app authentication necessary for the use of a Seven Bank account? (Can I not use a Seven Bank account if I don’t have a smartphone?)
Can I install and use the SEVEN BANK Money Transfer App on multiple smartphones?
What should I do when I have entered an incorrect PIN and my Seven Bank cash card has been locked?
What is an unused account management fee?
I have not been issued a new card. Can I continue to use my current card?