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FAQ Search Results
ATM 153 results
I received a new card. When can I start to use it?
I have an agreement for the International Money Transfer Service, but, when I tried to make an international money transfer, I got an error message and was unable to complete th...
When will I be able to use the International Money Transfer Service after I made an application for the service?
What should I do if I want to apply for International Money Transfer Service after opening an account?
I had my Seven Bank cash card reissued, and the new cash card has arrived. Do I need to perform any procedures for direct banking?
An error occurred, and I can't use My Seven Bank.
Can the name of the sender of a domestic money transfer be changed?
Are any fees incurred when I use my Seven Bank Cash Card with Debit Card Service overseas?
Can I continue to use an expired Seven Bank Cash Card with Debit Card Service as a cash card or nanaco Card?
What will happen if I incorrectly enter my Debit Card PIN?