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FAQ Search Results
ATM 153 results
How do I change my Debit Card PIN?
Will I still receive nanaco points when I use my Seven Bank Cash Card with Debit Card Service at a non-Seven & i Group JCB merchant?
Even though I am registered for the Point Service, I have not received any points.
Can I cancel my time deposit before maturity?
How do I check my MTCN (Money Transfer Control Number) for international money transfers (with Western Union)?
I opened a new account and received my cash card. How do I use the Direct Banking Service with a smartphone?
If my application for an additional limit is accepted for my Loan Service, when will the new limit apply?
What is the timing for the exchange rate used in international money transfers?
How do I make a repayment of the entire amount, including the Loan Service interest?
How do I repay (partial repayment or repayment of the entire amount) at a given time in the Loan Service?