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FAQ Search Results
ATM 153 results
Can I make a money transfer by cash or using a cash card via a Seven Bank ATM?
I inserted my cash card into a Seven Bank ATM but it came out immediately. What should I do?
Can I use my passbook at Seven Bank ATMs?
Will receiver accounts that I register through Seven Bank ATMs show up in the Direct Banking Service?
I received an email for authentication when I applied for opening an account via an ATM, but I failed to click on the link in the email within 24 hours. What should I do?
I was unable to conduct a transaction (withdrawal of money) via a Seven Bank ATM, and I received a receipt requesting the submission of an image of the residence card. Do I have...
When I used a Seven Bank ATM, a notice titled "Request to comfirm customer information" was displayed.As there was a change to my registered information, I selected "Yes." What...
When I used a Seven Bank ATM, a notice titled "Request to comfirm customer information" was displayed.Can I remove this notice?
When I used an ATM, a screen requesting me to extend my period of stay appeared. What will happen if I do not complete the procedure?
Can I change my registered information by a method other than using an ATM?