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FAQ Search Results
ATM 153 results
When I used my cash card via an ATM, the screen displayed a message, "Magnetism of the magnetic stripe on your card is weak." What should I do?
When I charge the cashless payment app or electronic money card with cash, will I receive change? (Can I deposit only part of the cash I put into the ATM?)
What is the exchange rate when withdrawing local currency from an ATM overseas with a Seven Bank Cash Card with Debit Card Service?
What are the daily transaction limits at Seven Bank ATMs?
Are fees charged for using the Loan Service at Seven Bank ATMs at certain times or on Saturdays, Sundays, or national holidays?
When repaying the entire amount of a Loan Service borrowing at a Seven Bank ATM, if the transaction carries over to the next day, will interest be incurred for that day?
Can I receive change when making repayment of the entire amount of a Loan Service at a Seven Bank ATM?
From Seven Bank ATMs, how many bills can I insert per transaction for Loan Service repayment?
What is the minimum Loan Service repayment (early repayment) amount from Seven Bank ATMs?
What Loan Service transactions are available from Seven Bank ATMs?