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FAQ Search Results
CHANGE 116 results
When I made an application for the Loan Service, an error message stating that there is no registered email address appeared. What should I do?
When I used a Seven Bank ATM, a notice titled "Request to comfirm customer information" was displayed.Can I remove this notice?
When I used a Seven Bank ATM, a notice titled "Request to comfirm customer information" was displayed.I tapped the wrong button, making a mistake between "Yes" and "No." What ...
What is App authentication?
Can I check the information I have registered with Seven Bank?
When I inserted my cash card into a Seven Bank ATM, the screen displayed a message,"this card is invalid." What should I do?
I entered my telephone number to register for the Direct Banking Service or reset my logon ID or logon password, but I got a message that I entered an incorrect telephone number...
For Cash Cards with Debit Card Service, can I switch from a nanaco linked card to a nanaco integrated card, or from a Cash Card with Debit Card Service to a Cash Card without De...
My Seven Bank Cash Card with Debit Card Service will expire soon. How do I renew it?
What should I do if I don't know which seal I registered?