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FAQ Search Results
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What should I do if I get a payment limit error for a Loan Service borrowing at a Seven Bank ATM?
When entering my annual salary for the Loan Service application, which year's salary should I enter?
How much is the usage limit for the Online Payment Service?
What should I do if I lose my registered seal?
I tried to open an account but I have not received an email from Seven Bank (for conformation of the email address).
When I used an ATM, a screen requesting me to extend my period of stay appeared, but I have lost a receipt on which the QR code was printed. What should I do?
When I used a Seven Bank ATM, a notice titled "Request to comfirm customer information" was displayed.In what situation is this notice displayed?
When I used a Seven Bank ATM, a notice titled "Request to comfirm customer information" was displayed.I have lost a receipt with a QR code that was issued by the ATM. What shoul...
When I used an ATM, a screen requesting me to extend my period of stay appeared, but I have not completed the procedure for the renewal of my residence card. What should I do?
What should I do when I have entered an incorrect PIN and my Seven Bank cash card has been locked?