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FAQ Search Results
TO 475 results
I am a foreign national. Please tell me what identity verification documents are required to open an account and how to submit them.
Can I change my cash card to one that is compatible with contactless payment?
Please tell me how to contact you by email (inquiry form).
How can I register another email address? (For customers who have accounts)
How can I delete a registered email address? (For customers who have accounts)
What system is in place to reimburse victims of bank transfer scams?
I use my current card to pay utility bills. Can I continue to pay these bills using a new card?
I am hard of hearing. Please tell me how to submit an inquiry, other than by telephone.
How do I stop the (paid) paper statement mailing service?
I want to use my Seven Bank Cash Card with Debit Card Service to shop on the Internet but there is only a field to enter a credit card number. Can I pay with debit?