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ATM 153 results
When I used an ATM, a screen requesting me to extend my period of stay appeared, but I have not completed the procedure for the renewal of my residence card. What should I do?
What should I do when I forgot to take the cash I withdrew or my cash card with me from a Seven Bank ATM?
Am I able to withdraw the funds remaining in my account at a Seven Bank ATM if they amount to less than 1,000 Yen?
Can I change daily transaction limits at Seven Bank ATMs?
What can and can I not do when using a Seven Bank ATM built-in intercom?
Can I use my Seven Bank Cash Card at ATMs other than Seven Bank ATMs?
When I used an ATM, a screen requesting me to extend my period of stay appeared, but I have lost a receipt on which the QR code was printed. What should I do?
When I used a Seven Bank ATM, a notice titled "Request to comfirm customer information" was displayed.I have lost a receipt with a QR code that was issued by the ATM. What shoul...
When I used a Seven Bank ATM, a notice titled "Request to comfirm customer information" was displayed.I tapped the wrong button, making a mistake between "Yes" and "No." What ...
Restrictions are imposed on my use of the account because my registered period of stay has expired. Can I submit my residence card via an ATM?