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FAQ Search Results
MY 210 results
Can I conduct the procedure to extend my period of stay by having my family or friend operate an ATM on my behalf?
When I set up my account, I registered my seal (personal stamp) or signature; however, use of procedures that use seals or signatures has now been abolished. Will this affect ho...
I lost my Seven Bank Cash Card with Debit Card Service (nanaco integrated card) and had my card reissued. Will my nanaco points be inherited?
I reissued my Seven Bank Cash Card and I received my new card. What should I do with my old card?
What should I do if I forget my logon password or my password is no longer valid (my password is suspended)?
I am planning on moving overseas. How can I change my registered information, such as my address?
I was unable to conduct a transaction (withdrawal of money) via a Seven Bank ATM, and I received a receipt requesting the submission of an image of the residence card. Do I have...
When I used an ATM, a screen requesting me to extend my period of stay appeared, but I have not completed the procedure for the renewal of my residence card. What should I do?
I use a Seven Bank Cash Card with Debit Card Service incorporating nanaco. Upon renewal of the card, will the nanaco balance and nanaco points on my current card be transferred ...
What happens if I use my Debit Card to pay the amount that exceeds my ordinary deposit balance?