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FAQ Search Results
83 results
Can I conduct the procedure to extend my period of stay by having my family or friend operate an ATM on my behalf?
What should I do when I forgot to take the cash I withdrew or my cash card with me from a Seven Bank ATM?
Can I convert nanaco points into electronic money via a Seven Bank ATM?
Please tell me how to find an ATM based on its ATM number.
I don't know my account number.
When I charge the cashless payment app or electronic money card with cash, will I receive change? (Can I deposit only part of the cash I put into the ATM?)
What is the amount limit for domestic money transfers from a Seven Bank account?
How many bank bills can be deposited or withdrawn per transaction at the maximum via a Seven Bank ATM?
Can I charge my nanaco and check my nanaco balance at Seven Bank ATMs?
Can I use a card that was issued outside of Japan, at Seven Bank ATMs?