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FAQ Search Results
ACCOUNT 205 results
At which financial institution can I register a debit account for the Monthly Auto-Deposit Service?
Do I have to present my Individual Number (My Number) when opening a bank account?
Can I designate my Seven Bank account as the receiving account for public pensions such as employee's pension and national pension?
Are funds sent through international money transfers deposited into overseas receiver's accounts?
When opening an account or applying for a card loan, what should I do if there is no selection item that corresponds to "occupation" and "transaction purpose (main purpose of ac...
I opened a new account and received my cash card. How do I use the Direct Banking Service with a smartphone?
Where do I check for the latest "Seven Bank Account Terms and Conditions" and the "Service Outline?"
Can I transfer the money borrowed in the Loan Service directly to the account of another financial institution?
Can I apply for a loan service at the same time as opening a Seven Bank account?
How can I change the account into which I receive dividends?