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Which password should I use when using J/Secure?

Your J/Secure password is either a one-time password (a password that is valid only one time) or your MyJCB password required when using MyJCB, a website only for JCB members.
If you have set your MyJCB password as your J/Secure password, when you change the J/Secure password, your MyJCB password will be changed automatically.
If you change your J/Secure password, your MyJCB password will automatically be changed, and vice versa.
If you have set one-time password authentication, we will send a one-time password by sending an email to your registered address or an SMS to your registered cell phone number.
* One-time password authentication can be set via MyJCB.
For more information on J/Secure, click here.
If you have set your MyJCB password as your J/Secure password, when you change the J/Secure password, your MyJCB password will be changed automatically.
If you change your J/Secure password, your MyJCB password will automatically be changed, and vice versa.
If you have set one-time password authentication, we will send a one-time password by sending an email to your registered address or an SMS to your registered cell phone number.
* One-time password authentication can be set via MyJCB.
For more information on J/Secure, click here.
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