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FAQ Search Results
37 results
I entered my telephone number to register for the Direct Banking Service or reset my logon ID or logon password, but I got a message that I entered an incorrect telephone number and was unable to complete the procedure. What should I do?
I do not know how to “Logon” to the Direct Banking Service.
What is the difference between the Logon ID and Customer ID?
What do I do if I forget my Logon ID?
How can I obtain transaction statements of ordinary deposits, etc. in paper form?
How do I stop receiving the "Notification from Seven Bank" emails?
What is the logon URL for the Direct Banking Service?
What is the Confirmation Number?
I tried to set up my account, but the email (for confirming the email address) did not arrive.
Can I confirm the name of the receiver when I make a domestic money transfer from my Seven Bank account?